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Scenario A: At a fruit stall in Cameron Highlands

What’s the name of this fruit?

Cameron apple.

(Apple? It doesn’t resemble apple at all?! )

How do you tell if it’s ripe?

Light colour and green skin is not ripe, yellowish skin with dark purple stripe is ripe.

How much does it cost?

RM1 each.

Scenario B: At home with a few of these fruits at hand and an encyclopedia of ingredients.

What exactly is the name of this fruit?

Solanum muricatum. Or more commonly known as Pepino.

(Not related to apple at all, I really wonder how the farmers at Cameron Highlands come out with the idea of naming it Cameron apple)

How does it taste like?

Soft texture, taste like a combination of cantaloupe, honeydew and pear. Sweet and super juicy (bursting out like those oranges in Sunkist advertisement)

What should I do with it?

Eat by itself (skin removed), add to your fruit salad or like what I did: caramelised it and served with blancmange.